Everest Risk Group is an Authorised Representative of Insurance Advisernet Australia. Founded in 1996 Insurance Advisernet operates in both New Zealand and Australia, delivering strength that allows Everest Risk Group the benefit of maintaining its local presence, whilst also being part of a national group for the products and services needed by our customers in today’s increasingly complex business world.

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Our Partners Overview
Everest Risk Group is an active member of the Insurance Industry in Australia and we are a proud member of the National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA). To ensure our clients always enjoy the very best of cover and value, we also foster ongoing relationships with leading Australian Insurers. When required by our clients, we can also call upon strategic relationships with global insurers.
Our Partners
Our Community Partners Overview
At Everest Risk Group we feel fortunate to be part of an enormously successful business such as Insurance Advisernet. We are always mindful of where our company’s prosperity comes from – the community. The Insurance Advisernet Foundation was started in 2015 to consolidate the considerable goodwill which already existed amongst Insurance Advisernet authorised insurance advice practices in Australia and New Zealand. The aim of the Foundation is to support local Australian and New Zealand organisations that work to help change the lives of individuals, families and/or communities for the better.
Insurance Advisernet and its Foundation has contributed over $2.5 million in the last 10 years to over 30 different charities. We will continue to donate over $400,000 each year through a variety of fundraising initiatives.
Our Community Partners